Finding your natural fit

The Game of Perfection

You may remember the game “Perfection”  from your childhood. The basic idea behind the game is that you have a bunch of pieces of all different shapes and you have a game board with slots in all different shapes. The object of the game is to get all the right shapes in the slots where they belong before the timer runs out.

This is akin to finding your natural passions and destiny. Your experiences, your desires, your natural passions, your personality quirks, your abilities, your likes, your dislikes — all these elements form the branches and edges of your own unique shape.

And just like with the game, there is a slot in the board cut just for your unique shape, where your spirit and all its edges can fit snugly and perfectly. The first and most imporant priority in your life should be finding this slot.

You can’t try to force it. If you’re a 7-pointed starburst, you can’t try to shove yourself into the 5-point star slot because “it’s close enough”. As much as you may want to fit, it’s not meant to be. And meanwhile the 5-pointed star peg is standing behind you going “dude, quit trying to fit in my spot” and the 7-pointed starburst slot sits there quietly waiting on you to find it.

This urge to find your perfect-fit slot is a natural drive built into every human life. 

Some people ignore this drive and put convention first. Convention says that success is having a good (read: well-paying) job. So some people prioritize that over the “silly notion” of a life that is not supposed to be 60% drudgery.

But your heart says success is finding the slot where it fits perfectly. That’s what it craves.

Adderall and other drugs deform the natural shape of your spirit

When you’re not on adderall and you (metaphorically) try to shove your Perfection game peg into a slot and it doesn’t fit like you thought it would, you quickly say “doesn’t fit!” and move on. No biggie. Clock is ticking. No time to dwell.

But Adderall, ritalin, and other drugs make you dwell way too long. They convince you that your shape can fit anywhere. They turn your spiritual shape peg into mush that can mold into any slot on the game board. Not only that, but the drugs make you completely deaf to the ticking of the timer.

So you spend way too much time trying to fit yourself into a slot you were never meant for, convincing yourself all the while that you fit. This is why Adderall and other drugs like it can get you so stuck in a particlar place in life (in a slot where your heart knows it doesn’t belong).

When you quit Adderall, the natural shape of your spirit slowly restores, and the tick of the timer begins to ascend into your senses again.

You may not believe that there is a slot just for you, where every corner of your uniquely-shaped spirit has an outlet, a fulfilling place and a snug fit. But there is. Your heart knows this.

There is one difference between the game of Perfectoin and the real-life version. In Perfection, when you get all the pegs in the right slot, you win.

In real life, when you get all the pegs in the right slot, the game board and all the pegs light up. And then you win.

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